About Mr Lee's Guyana Guide

Welcome to Mr. Lee's Guyana Guide. I have lived in Guyana for a while now and know that a newcomer to Guyana will have many questions. Where can we go? What can we do? What's good to eat?

When I got here, I found that businesses might have a facebook page, and very few had websites. Street addresses were seldom used and you might have several buildings at the same street number because they number the lots, not the buildings. Google has not sent the Googlemap cars to Guyana yet. Finding places was confusing. If businesses did have a page, they seemed to always have pictures of the inside of the business but not the outside. Signage may, or may not, identify the buidling you are going to visit.

With a background in Computer Information Systems, I felt I could do something to help people newly arrived in Guyana get around a little easier. This was the inspiration for Mr. Lee's Guyana Guide. Welcome to Guyana! Go and explore a little easier!